5:30am Breakfast - Meal 1: Oatmeal w/ 2 hard boiled eggs (just ate the egg whites and not the yolk)
8:30am Snack: Chocolate Protein Shake
11:00am Lunch - Meal 2: Pasta with grilled chicken and vegetables

*Notes: Just found out that I should be drinking at least 180 ounces of water a day! whew* don't get me wrong, I love water, but that's a shit ton of water! lol I'm at 64 and pushing...
2:00pm Lunch - Meal 3: I wasn't very hungry so I just ate the other portion left of my grilled chicken & veggies. I decided to pass on the pasta as I literally had to force myself to chew.
* I had to go to a graduation today so as soon as I got home around 3:30, I went for a jog around the block. I didn't have much time but I wanted to make sure to get some form of a workout in as I knew we would be home very late. It may sound nothing to you but trying to jog uphill with 100 + pounds of extra weight holding you back is difficult. I wanted to do 2 but was happy that I completed 1. It's all baby steps here...
5:00pm Snack: Banana Protein Shake - I decided to have a quick shake before I left so I wouldn't get hungry since the last time I ate was at 2pm.
10:00pm Dinner - Meal 4: Chili's margarita grilled chicken with black beans. Now this meal came with rice pilaf but I have decided not to eat carbs after 4pm therefor I left the rice to the side. We initially did not want to eat so late but of course we were having such a great time at the graduation party that time flew by. Instead of eating what was there; chili cheese dogs and cake, we decided to eat something else.
Did I ever mention I LOVE chili cheese dogs, fries, & just about anything with chili & cheese on it :/ As much as it was tempting smelling delicious and all, I did not crack. There is NO WAY I am reverting back to my old ways. As much as it would taste good that minute, I would regret and feel guilty for hours later. It's just not worth it anymore. I'm tired of having this love/hate relationship with food & myself.
As for the cake, it wasn't even a thought that crossed my mind.
Overall, I am very pleased with myself. Today was the first night that we went out to eat in which I would've normally ordered the big mouth bites and fries with 3 or 4 sides of ranch, and didn't. I LOVE french fries and RANCH! It's one thing I can truly say I will miss. Was it tempting to see all those delicious things on the menu? YES. However, I am now accountable for what goes in my body. You are what you eat. I honestly believe that now. I mean look at me... I am a spinning image of what I eat. OBESE. Therefor if I want to be healthier, and in shape, I need to make better choices and tonight I did. The great thing was that it was delicious. I mean really, really good. I didn't even care about the french fries & ranch my boyfriend was eating after my first bite of my chicken & black beans.
I checked the calories later when I got home and it was 690. Ouch! My heart dropped when I saw that number. It's crazy how you think something is a much healthier choice but still unfortunately is not. Actually it should be lower since I only ate the chicken which has 260 and black beans which has 100. Score! my meal in the end was 360, maybe 460 because I had some guacamole (no chips) on the side with my meal. (I WILL NOT GIVE UP AVOCADO! It's not even a laughing matter) I guess it's better than what I usually get, Big Mouth Bites & Fries, which has a whopping 1,810 calories!!! WOW, now thats a triple ouch! I can't believe I used to have that many calories in 1 meal. To think that the rest of my meals that day were unhealthy choices scares the hibby jibbies out of me. I mean how many calories was I taking in a day?
I'm not counting calories or anything just trying to get a "REAL" perspective of how healthy versus fat something is. I really didn't have a clue. I mean I knew it wasn't great for you but that's just absurd. Not to mention low calories plus working out ultimately leads to weight loss. It's a no brainer. Eat less, move more. It only took 5 years and 100lbs overweight to figure it out...
It's late and I have work early in the am. Good night ;)
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